Understanding Dental Cleaning

17 February 2023
 Categories: Dentist, Blog


Clean teeth are usually healthier and more attractive than teeth with debris. Clean teeth also allow you to avoid foul breath. These are some of the reasons for flossing and brushing every day. Sadly, such oral hygiene measures are not enough, and you need professional cleaning from the dentist too.

Below is an overview of dental cleaning by a professional.


Brushing and flossing remove considerable debris from your teeth, but they are not a hundred percent effective. Some food remains on your teeth and feeds bacteria, which accumulate in a sticky film that dentists call plaque. Over time, the plaque hardens into tartar that even brushing and flossing cannot remove.

Regular dental cleaning is necessary to get rid of plaque and tartar. Dentists have instruments and techniques to remove the most stubborn debris on your teeth. Otherwise, the debris can cause cavities and gum disease, among other oral problems.


Most dentists offer three forms of dental cleaning.

  1. Prophylaxis Cleaning

You should get prophylaxis cleaning if you are healthy and just want to maintain your oral health. The dentist will use a scaler or water stream for the procedure. Most dentists advise their clients to get prophylaxis cleaning at least twice a year.

  1. Scaling and Root Planing

In this case, the dentist gives your teeth a deeper and more thorough cleaning than you can get from prophylaxis cleaning. The dentist will reach deep into your gum pockets. Scaling and root planing are necessary if you have a high risk of gum disease. An example is if you have severe plaque and tartar accumulation.

  1. Debridement Cleaning

Your dentist will advise you to get debridement cleaning, the heaviest of all dental cleaning procedures, if you haven't cleaned your teeth in a long time. Going without dental cleaning for a long time allows copious amounts of tartar to accumulate on your teeth. The dentist will use an electrical dental instrument to loosen the tartar before cleaning it with other instruments.


A dental cleaning schedule depends on your overall health, dental health, oral hygiene routine, and dental risks. For example, dental cleaning once every six months is adequate if you are in good health and take good care of your teeth. However, you might need dental cleaning sooner than six months if you have a high risk of periodontal disease.

Hopefully, you will maintain clean teeth and enjoy good oral health. Unfortunately, you might develop oral health problems even with impeccably clean teeth. Consult your dentist for treatment before such problems worsen.