Dental Implants And The Rejection Of Titanium Root Devices

27 March 2020
 Categories: Dentist, Blog


If you want an artificial tooth with the help of an implant, then you should know that this does require the placement of a titanium root. This root device is a foreign object in the body. While titanium is often accepted by the body, there are some rare cases of failure due to rejection. Keep reading to learn about rejection issues and how they can be avoided.

Dental Implant Rejection

Dental implant rejection is called a late-stage complication of implant placement. It is when the body considers the implant device a foreign and harmful substance that must be eradicated. The immune system mounts a defense against the "intruder" and inflammation starts to form around the implant. While blood cells infiltrate the tissue and they try to encapsulate and attack the device. The result is tissue destruction, widespread inflammation, and a loose implant that must be removed. This is necessary before tissue is damaged to such an extent that surgical removal of nearby bone and soft tissue is necessary.

The rejection is considered an allergy to the titanium metal and you are likely to see some common allergy symptoms when the rejection begins. Swelling and pain can develop around the implant as well as patches of dry gum tissues and bleeding issues. You may see some hives developing on your skin as a systematic response develops and some areas of the body may also begin to itch.

In some cases, you may start to see your nails turning yellow. This is rare, but it is a sign of a serious allergy problem. You should contact your dentist or general physician if you experience this.

How Can Rejection Be Prevented?

Dental Implant rejection can be prevented by avoiding the use of a titanium device if a person is allergic to the metal. Titanium allergies are rare, but you should be tested for the allergy before you receive an implant device. This requires a simple blood test that you can arrange with your dental professional. If you do have an allergy, then speak with your dentist about the possible use of a zirconia implant. This type of device is a metal-free one that has an extremely low allergy risk.

Zirconia is also a good choice for individuals who may not be allergic to titanium but have an autoimmune disorder that makes them susceptible to allergic reactions.

If you want to know more about dental implants, speak with a dental professional.